Coaching for researchers, by researchers.



Dancers have choreographers. Writers have editors. Athletes have trainers. In order to achieve peak performance, these individuals rely on an extra set of well-trained eyes to propel them forward.

We do the same for students and researchers. We help them increase their productivity and effectiveness, decrease their stress, clarify their goals, and overcome the obstacles blocking their way to success. And we provide accountability and encouragement along the way.

The people we work with hand in their projects on time and with pride. They find individualized ways to achieve work-life balance. They understand the promotion process and get tenure. They navigate the minefield of academic publishing. They are equipped to make strategic decisions about their future in and outside academia.

Why ALIGN is Different

Science-based, people-focused. We’re researchers and scientists (yup, Ivy League degrees and fancy credentials). We’re also experienced. We sift through the hype and fads, and help you find strategies that actually work.

Supportive and fun-loving: We’ve been there. We understand. We’re here to support the people we work with in a safe, non-judgemental and generative space. We know that learning and growth happens when people and teams feel safe, supported, and are even given the chance to play sometimes.

Custom-made: We believe that your chances for success increase exponentially when you connect to your truth. Authenticity is the proven path to change. We take the time to tailor everything we do to the unique needs of our participants.


Let’s work together.


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